Nalley, T., Scott, J. McGechie, F. and Grider-Potter, N. 2023. Comparative ontogeny of functional aspects of human cervical vertebrae. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 1:19.
Goto, R., Grider-Potter, N., Shitara, T., Kinoshita, Y., Oka, K., and Nakano, Y. 2023. Coordination within paraspinal muscles during bipedalism in humans, a white-handed gibbon, and a Japanese macaque. Journal of Human Evolution 179: 103356.
Grider-Potter, N., and Rummel, A. 2022. Dietary influence on head and neck range of motion in Neotropical bats. Journal of Zoology 318(3): 193-204
Grider-Potter, N., Nalley, T., Thompson, N., Goto, R., and Nakano, Y. 2020. Influences of passive intervertebral range of motion on cervical vertebral form. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 172(2):300-313.
Grider-Potter, N. 2019 Form and Function of the Primate Cervical Spine. PhD Thesis.
Nalley, T. and Grider-Potter, N. 2019. Vertebral morphology in relation to posture and locomotion I: The cervical spine in: Spinal Evolution: Morphology, Function, and Pathology of the Spine in Hominoid Evolution. Been E, Gómez-Olivencia A, Kramer PA Springer.
Nalley, T. and Grider-Potter, N. 2017. Functional analyses of the primate upper cervical vertebral column. Journal of Human Evolution 107:19-35.
Nalley, T., and Grider-Potter, N. 2015. Functional morphology of the primate head and neck. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156(4):531-542.
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